Subject: plot device
Posted on: 2010-01-13 00:30:00 UTC

It's the ideal way to get the feisty-beautiful-self sufficient-secretly romantic heroine in the presence of the lust object, whoever he (or she) might be in any fic. That way they show their independence (they were forced into this marriage! They would never have considered it otherwise, because they are Strong and Brave, and As Good As Any Man. It's their horrible families who don't understand them! etc.) And then from there it's easy to get them to fall in love.

If you think about it, all it really is is a rip off of Taming of the Shrew. Shakespeare does it better...

As to fetishes... well, who am I to say what goes on inside a suethor's brain? I'd rather keep my remaining sanity for as long as possible.


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