Subject: Nothing wrong with happy endings, but...
Posted on: 2010-01-08 16:47:00 UTC

It helps if they're in the context of the canon. I can actually see a reconciliation between Harry and Petunia, but it would take some doing. It would be interesting and I've seen it done very well, but not instant bonding. -sigh-

You missed very little by not reading the first except possibly the opportunity to drink rather too much bleepka. I read through chapter 7 and needed rather a lot. And I don't drink.

Ooh, that's a good description of it. Marshmallows. I'll have to remember that. It sounds like a fairly decent charge as well. 'Turning the story into a marshmallow.'

I too like to write happy endings, and I like to read them. But there's a difference between happy and gag-inducing.


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