Subject: Of possible ethical interest - Snark vs. Trolling
Posted on: 2009-12-27 07:17:00 UTC

*shrug* Posting this here because it's slightly relevant, and I want to hear what you guys think:

Private letter of kerfluffle to GAFF (in their current incarnation):

Plz to be noting that it is one thing to mock someone for doing something particularly full of fail, such as writing a truly horrible fanfic, farting loudly in church, or doing anything that would get them played off by keyboard cat. This is standard to internet culture, and if you're here, you'd better get used to it. However, mocking someone for giving a care about a legitimate concern (e.g., animal cruelty, or religion, or sufferers of debilitating health problems) is something else entirely.

Mocking someone for fail can be seen as a warning sign, should they choose to heed it. It's a sign that they're doing something wrong. (Also it's an excellent source of lulz, the gold of the intarwebz.) However, the targets of the second kind of mocking have done nothing wrong, and in fact show maturity by their caring. By mocking them you are telling them that doing that is wrong. You are saying, essentially, that animals can be tortured, anyone who believes in any religion is a sucker who should be laughed at, and people with cancer or AIDS can just die alone like they're fixing to do anyway. (None of which I believe to be true, and if you do, I pity you. And also want to keep you at arms length, with pepper spray and a katana if necessary.) "It was for the lulz" is not an excuse, if for no reason other than that the effects of what you say continue outward despite what your motives were. Screw you, I have seen too many nice people turn cynical because of stuff like that.

This, my friends, is where mocking turns into trolling.

That line is why I don't personally have a problem with MSTing and what the PPC does, even when it edges into mocking the person rather than the fanfic. The PPC, bless them (us?), does not cross that line.

Some things are just not funny.

With regards,

So. Discussion? I am right, or am I totally off-base? Is there a crucial ethical point I'm missing? I want the board's thoughts on this.

P.S. Oh gosh that was really serious, Emo-Crusader Piper! Here, Board, have some Christmas candy in various inappropriate shapes with my apologies! Don't let my emo-ness rub off on you now--it's ever so hard to get the black stains out of your clothes.

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