Subject: Potential LJ RPG idea, and fics which need to die.
Posted on: 2009-12-20 20:59:00 UTC

Second things first: the fics.
This is supposedly a Redwall fic, except we have no canon characters except a rampantly OOC Ghost!Matthias, or possibly "Matthais", and suddenly Mossflower is full of hermaphrodites with Japanese names. And it's not marked AU. I don't know if this one's PPC-able as such, but it might make an MST. If anyone wants to try co-MSTing it, I'm up for the challenge.
All this girls' work needs looking at. I considered PPCing it, but A) she's a friend of a friend and B) I have no idea where to begin, because it's all Babelfished from Russian and I can't make out what's actually supposed to be going on. It contains fangirling of Cluny the Scourge who inexplicably does not kill the imaginatively-named Sue "Ratty", and such hilarious lines as "Bryony couldn t realize this moment, when she stoped feel anything. Only pang of scalding cold sharp her body and her heart contracted of painful spasm like thousand needles went into it. And then became frivolousness."

As for the RP thing, I recently posted in my LJ that I'd been inspired by Chuck Palahniuk's book "Haunted". As I said on LJ: "It's a collection of short stories, with a framing device involving nineteen people on a writer's retreat who end up getting trapped in the abandoned theatre they were staying in. Unfortunately, they all sabotage each others' attempts to escape, hoping they can sell the story of their time in the theatre when they get out. They also destroy all the food, plumbing, and electricity in attempts to make it more dramatic, making their situation worse. The short stories in the book are the stories of the characters' lives, which they tell each other to pass the time.

"It occurs to me that a scenario like this would make for an awesome LJ roleplay game. Characters trapped in a situation, preferably via their own fault, with only a suitcase's worth of their most prized possessions each, slowly running out of food and other necessities ... Sadly it would be hard to RP, because it could only go on for so long before they either escaped or all died, and people would probably object to having their characters killed off one by one."

I did, however, get a comment from someone saying they think it would be possible to work it. According to them, "maybe it could have ways so that people can still play once their characters have died. I was thinking ghosts, but that could get a little cliched. Or the players of deceased characters could control environmental factors. NPCs that anyone can play might make things interesting, but there would have to be a reason to not use them as meatshields to protect a beloved character..." I think it could be done, but I don't know enough about LJ roleplaying to know how. Does anyone else have any ideas?

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