Subject: How would the PPC handle...
Posted on: 2009-12-18 02:07:00 UTC

...a canon that has been sort of 'absorbed' by another?

I'll explain what I mean. Let's say we have two canons. Initially, they're completely independent of each other. They're connected in some way, but they don't interact at all. Then, suddenly, a retcon in one establishes that the other is canon to the first one. The two canons are now... sort of... canon to each other.

Baseline example: Castlevania. Initially, it was a series about Dracula, yes, but Dracula is a public domain character. Then, along comes Bloodlines, which establishes that the 'real' Dracula story (the Stoker novel) is now part of the Castlevania story.

Does this make the two one canon? Would the PPC treat it as such? Could a copy of the book be used to exorcise a Castlevania fic?

Now, this is a fairly rare phenomenon, and I don't think the PPC has encountered it yet. I just thought it would be best to be prepared in case we do.

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