Subject: Happy Thanksgiving! (double plug)
Posted on: 2009-11-26 14:31:00 UTC

Hi, PPCers! Long time, no Sue see. That's changing a little bit, however, as I am reviving the Pirates of the Caribbean Mary Sue report! So, for all of you who will be too full of turkey to do anything else tonight, you're welcome to check out the new entries on Heave Ho.

This year, I am thankful that one of my favorite TV shows is solving the biggest mystery of its eight seasons. Of course, I'm also on pins and needles as to how the show is going to end. But because I love Monk so very much, I am writing its origin story here. (This fic can be read as a regular mystery, even if you've never been in the fandom.)

So, a toast to the PPC! To humor and good writing! And to many years of Sue-slaying ahead.

Happy turkey day!


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