Subject: Tentative plans afoot...
Posted on: 2009-11-11 01:13:00 UTC

What ho, fellow Boarders!

Rumour and gossip has reached this fair green isle, of a conference to be held next summer.

"So what?" we hear you ask as you shrug disinterestedly.

But this conference is not just any conference, no, for lo! it goeth by the name of the International Palaeontological
Congress, and our very own Trojieface is in the process of looking into funding to attend. It will be a lengthy journey, with many toils through great darkness (unless the plane flies the other way around the world), but if all goes to plan she will set foot upon these shores ('these shores' being England) for the first time in seventeen years at the end of June 2010.

Naturally, our great and glorious Trojieface cannot be kidnapped and kept indefinitely in a box under her partner's bed immediately, as attending this conference is sort of a necessity. However, when it is complete, she plans to set aside her intellectual travails for a
period of not less than one week, and journey into the grim reaches of the north.

We recognise that it is entirely possible that the only thing that has thus far kept the world from imploding is the careful maintenance of twelve thousand miles between Trojie's brain and Pads's brain.

However, should it come to pass that the Empire survives this momentous meeting, we feel it only fair that Pads let the rest of you share in this exciting and joyous jubilee of gutter humour and energetic glomping, even if only for a few hours. (This will give her time to put the final touches on the Great Kidnapping Plot.)

And so, bearing in mind that this is all very tentative, and funding may not be achieved, we're thinking Hull Gathering, early July 2010.

Anyone up for it?

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