Subject: Re: Question about the fic I'm tackling
Posted on: 2009-10-29 13:13:00 UTC

In the Real World? Nope, it's extremely unlikely. See Darwin's Origin of Species for a much more in-depth discussion of why hybrid animals tend to be sterile.

In a sci-fi canon, however, it depends. If we're talking, say, Star Trek, then hybrids are possible even when it makes my brain hurt (eg Vulcan copper-based blood not causing any problems with Human blood). If it's a sci-fi continuum with no hybrids, then it'd be a no. I'm trying to think if there are any hybrids in Doctor Who canon, and drawing a blank.

Mind you, I suppose there was that woman and that cat in Gridlock. But I'd rather not touch the biology of that one with a ten foot pole because it makes my inner biologist cry.

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