Subject: Plug: Makes-Things' Last Hurrah
Posted on: 2009-10-15 23:39:00 UTC

Located here.

I am, in fact, not dead. I may not be uploading much else for a good while, though--busy busy busy with school. So, to make up for that, here's this: my finally-completed Makes-Things Project.

The idea is simple: give Makes-Things a proper final curtain. And it is exactly that, though the process of getting it there wasn't fast. This has actually been in the works, on and off, since late May, but it wasn't fully finished and betaed until late September thanks to rewrites, uncooperative muses, and procrastination.

Now, however, I've finished, checked, formatted, and uploaded it. I hope you enjoy reading it; it was a blast to write.

Very massive props go to Techno-Dann, not only for beta-reading this thing several times and lending a very new author the use of Dann, but also for supplying as many things as he could remember about the Macrovirus Invasion. Anyone else who helped contribute details of that day or information about macroviruses/the PPC/PPC gear also gets massive props, even if I can't remember exactly who did.

Lesser but still extensive props go to Cassie Cameron-Young and Neshomeh, for being enthusiastic and helpful beta-readers; Tawaki, for lending me the use of Agent Cameron; Kgarret, for sparking the idea in the first place; and Paddlebrains, for forcibly making me change to using Gdocs and thus making the original document-LJ transition a hundred million times less frustrating.

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