Subject: The co-write is definitely part of it
Posted on: 2009-09-15 22:21:00 UTC

We write by dumping the text of the badfic to a googledoc and then one of us starts writing, cutting the bits of fic we want to refer to into the mission with italics and so forth, and deleting the unused bits, until they run out of steam, upon which they gchat the other person saying 'tag' :)

But at least partly it's the experience thing as well - we've been writing together (not PPC) since 2004, and I've been writing PPC missions since 2003. Until Pads joined me here in 2008, though, I'd only completed five missions. Now, we have each other to kickstart us when we're blocked, we have the experience writing *together* (so there's no worrying about if the other one will like what we've done or will get offended if we edit what they've written), and we've had the practice actually doing missions. We know what works and what doesn't. And the only way to get that is to just keep plugging away :)

I think the most important thing is to push yourself past your block. If you get blocked, make yourself write another couple of sentences. Even if they suck. Then quit the doc and go do something else. When you come back, yeah, those two bad sentences will be there, but maybe you'll see a way to fix them and that will spur you on :) And practice, practice, practice!

/end pep-talk :)

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