Subject: To elaborate...
Posted on: 2009-08-24 04:38:00 UTC

If nobody has any idea who the writer is, chances are she/he didn't bother getting Permission, which is sort of not okay. The point of Permission is to have a bit of quality control on what gets posted in the name of the PPC, and my personal feeling is that Dusk Daybreak's missions really needed someone to have raised an eyebrow and asked some questions about the Sueishness of the agents.

I'd like for more of the Board to at least have a look at the article on the wiki and the attached discussion, if not read over the missions themselves, so there can be some more discussion about the matter. For one thing, I'm not sure how to proceed with trying to bring the writer into a dialogue with us, because so far our comments on the wiki have gone unnoticed or ignored--not a good sign. I hesitate to comment on the missions themselves until I have a better idea of what you all think, so please speak your piece.


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