Subject: re: Ankh-Morpork
Posted on: 2009-08-18 04:15:00 UTC

My take on it, as an English reader, and bearing in mind just what he's playing off, is that Ankh-Morpork's got nothing to do with New York; rather, New York has its origins in the same city Ankh-Morpork does.

Ankh-Morpork is really nothing to do with New York. A-M is an evolved twist on London as was. But so, in fairness, is NY (or so Pterry says) - this is why so many Discworld cities have an A-M flavour while not being A-M; this is why so many Real World cities have a flavour of London. All cities, in a Platonic sense, are echoes of one city, Pterry tells us, and that city is Ankh-Morpork.

Or, if you'd rather, the man's not that familiar with America or New York, but he is familiar with London as is and as was, and also with the tropes surrounding fantasy cities. Mix the two, and you might get something resembling New York, but it's not actually based on New York. It's more a case of reality resembling the fictitious natural progression of that city.

(He also gets a lot down pat, because the man's an excellent satirist, and there's a lot of readily available source material.)

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