Subject: I need help with a canon
Posted on: 2009-08-13 22:48:00 UTC

Does anyone here know the Musical/film Newsies?

I'm currently dealing with a Sue that was not content with just messing up one canon, she had to make it a crossover. She got herself into the world of Newsies. I know absolutely nothing about said canon, other than what I can find on wikipedia. From that I've learned there the author is largely following canon (and describing it rather unimaginatively).

What I need to know is: what were the key romance scenes in that film? There is some romance in the fic and I want to know whether that was written in there by the author, or that the Sue is taking over the part of one of the canon characters.

Most helpful would be if someone with knowledge of Newsies would be willing to read (certain chapters of) the fic and confirm my suspicion of line-stealing.

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