Subject: The one about Veil and Bryony is mildly more coherent ...
Posted on: 2009-08-04 18:54:00 UTC

... but only mildly. You can sort of follow what's going on in it, at least, which is more than I can say for the others. Of course, as I said, if I were to try writing fanfic in Russian it would look much worse, but I'd have the sense to get someone who actually spoke Russian to look over it. And even when the fic's as incoherent as that they STILL managed to get him out of character!

I'm now imagining Cluny speaking in Babelfished Russian throughout whatever you have planned. (Well, in our case, Babelfished from English to Russian and back.)

Thinking of a line from Clerks now; "Oh, he speaks English, but he can't not speak it good like we do."

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