Subject: Hey, I remember you too!
Posted on: 2009-08-07 22:46:00 UTC

I got one of my Agents off of you! She's been nagging at me the way characters do. "Hey Fiveclawed, you said you'd write me once summer break started, but it's nearly August and you haven't done *CENSORED*! Get up off your lazy tuchus and get back onto LJ!" This is problematic, since LJ doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but it doesn't matter to her. She's threatening me with her necromancer bells.

The original story involved this Tibetan woman who was living in exile who comes back to Tibet after her long-lost brother contacts her. I actually finished the story but saved it onto a USB drive, and then my mother LOST IT. After that I had a hard time bringing myself back to the story, and then the Tibetan riots broke out in China, so I think I'm gonna have to put some pretty major changes into place. Like I said, I'm not working on it now; I'm focusing on writing fan-based stuff to get back into the swing of things. Think training wheels on a bike.

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