Subject: Re: Wasn't the best, wasn't the worst.
Posted on: 2009-08-01 13:45:00 UTC

You're not the only one who's fairly apathetic about it. Remember the good old days of PoA and GoF, when we were so young and full of hope that we actually bothered to be incensed by the myriad pointless changes? I kinda miss those days.

I should have known better to expect backstory in it, really. But how Harry thinks he's going to find the rest of the Horcruxes, given the only information he has in that film is "there were seven, and one of them's a locket"...

Loved Malfoy though. It's been obvious since the first one he's the only one of them who can actually act, and he we get to see a bit more of that. Though he could still have done with more screentime. And it's been a while since I read the book, but didn't Harry spend quite a bit of it actually stalking Malfoy? Mind you, my inner slasher was clearly impressed anyway. I was savaged by plotbunnies during the film.

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