Subject: *applauds*
Posted on: 2009-07-26 04:51:00 UTC

This was really nice to read after looking at possible future missions. I laughed. A lot.

And... I really, really, really, apologize for bringing the next topic up, (especially if it causes horrible flashbacks), but the news is Good News. Hopefully.
I was looking for a certain reviewer of L x C by way of LBTwriter's profile earlier today and... L x C and the other story that ghastly author wrote are gone. Deleted, apparently. It probably wasn't the writer herself, based on how protective she was of her writing, so I'm guessing the admin of finally got their rears in gear and got rid of it themselves. Unfortunately, LBTwriter wasn't banned. But at least this way you can see proof, if you wish.
*puts on super sterilized gloves and hazardous chemical-proof suit to get link*

I don't know if this was helpful, and I really hate to bring it up, but since you seemed to be the one PPCing it, I thought you might want to know.

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