Subject: Same here
Posted on: 2009-07-25 10:44:00 UTC

Wild Magic was mine too. And I love the Twilight comparison. :D For me, though, it was Skysong that made me squee. I'd take lovable dragon kit to talking over animals any day. It may explain why I want to copy the idea in any similar fantasy I write. *hugs Skysong* Someone needs to make a Skysong plushy. I'd totally buy that. :P

And yes, Alanna came along a century after the last female knight had died. Fortunately, Keladry came along in less time. :P

As for the training, exactly. I'm using that as help for part of the draft for one of my fics, training Heroes. A Hero in the fandom is basically a knight/samurai/Jedi (including a magical power known as Force Push :D). It's difficult to know what pushes them over the boundraries of Sue in the training and what would actually happen had these guys existed.

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