Subject: Badfics for Sale!
Posted on: 2009-07-11 10:51:00 UTC

I have two badfics for you guys to PPC/MST. Please, for the love of god, someone kill them. Just… *coughs nervously* don’t look at the author’s name?

*sighs* Yeah, I decided that, what the hell, I’d throw up my two earliest fanfics. I hope. You see, I first thought that Years of Hell was my first. Turns out that old adage of never forgetting your first was wrong. Unless repressed memories get excluded? Because that’s the only way I could have forgotten the horror of my actual first fanfic. Let’s hope for everyone’s sake that I don’t uncover any more things. Well, barring that one Eragon ripoff I did. Urgh. Out of all the things I could have plagiarised for schoolwork, why did I have to choose Eragon?

Anyway, for the fics I’ve throwing out to the wolves, I have one for both sides of the fandom war, both equally horrible…

Years of Hell: The Darkness Spreading: A Star Wars story, set after the Vong War. This is without my having read more than snippets at the time of writing the fic and still only having read the final New Jedi Order book right now (though wishing I had the others) and I can’t remember much of it. Mary Sue is Anakin’s apprentice (this was written before The Force Unleashed was announced, too), super-Sith appear, turn out to be not so super against Mary Sue, two sequels planned involving time travel and Mirror Universes fortunately abandoned along with this. Here’s the address:

8472: A Star Trek epic compressed into two pages. Every bit as bad as that sounds. Written for English homework. Got a B for it. Teacher was probably drunk. There is nothing else I can really say other than I screw with the Federation, the Borg, Species 8472 and, for reasons that shall forever remain unknown, the Talaxians. Address here:

If anyone does take on these fics, my only request is on my profile page. Basically, give me links to wherever you post. Thanks. Also, *begs for forgiveness*

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