Subject: I need advice.
Posted on: 2009-07-09 07:19:00 UTC

I'm currently working on an original fantasy story, and I'm kind of... I wouldn't say freaking out, but I'm definitely worried about Mary Sues and stuff.

To give you the short version, my story takes place during a really rather vicious war between two factions of people, one side of which is conceited to the point of being genocidal. Most of my main protagonists are from the side that is fighting to not be massacred. This catastrophic war has been going on for about a decade.

I know that an angsty past like being orphaned, enslavement, imprisonment, yadda yadda yadda, is one of those little urple flags that go up when it comes to Sueishness. But if most of my protagonists are from a group of people who are seriously in danger of being wiped out, I'd think readers would expect a little suckage in their pasts. What I mean is, does it really count against them, in terms of whether they're Mary Sues?

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