Subject: How the hell do you pronounce that?
Posted on: 2009-07-04 10:58:00 UTC

El-sarr-inn-ex-are-lass Caal-sair-ack-tick?

If I have to think about how to pronounce something and it's not a crazy alien, and it's not in a fandom with crazy aliens, I want to throttle something.

On the plus side, they've long stopped posting. I read the reviews for the one you commented on. I love this excuse:

"Yes, I so make mistakes while typing. Much of the time it is that I have too many ideas and I need to get the down quick before I foget them (I have a minor memory problem-really shows through in my Social Studies class. Dates, Ugh)"

O... kay? I have memory problems too. I forget things. I don't forget to spellcheck though. Ever.

And one of the reviews for the prologue had a signature that piqued my interest. Read this. It's... interesting:

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