Subject: Oh joy.
Posted on: 2009-06-25 05:02:00 UTC

The trouble with that fic is that we decided not to go meddling with religious matters after hS PPC'd that Bible fanfic awhile back. At the time, we felt like it wasn't worth possibly offending people about aforementioned religious matters.

On the other hand, maybe that discussion can be re-opened. For my part, as long as the thing is handled with some regard for people's sensibilities, I have no problem with it. I figure it's the same as Bad Slash: there's nothing wrong with being gay, but if the characters being slashed aren't, and it's not handled well, it's bad writing. In the same way, there's nothing wrong with religion, but if the character "turning to the Lord" has no real reason to do so--having not been noticeably anti-religious or evil to begin with, in this case--then it's out of character.


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