Subject: Re: A different word entirely
Posted on: 2009-06-10 02:45:00 UTC

We do that too - technically one "ought" to say "we both went" rather than "both of us went", as us is the accusative form of the nominative we, but that one's certainly widespread and common enough to be standard spoken English.

What I'm more interested in this case is the modification of we, us or you to indicate number: as a child my siblings and I were always "you lot" (or occasionally "you three", which is standard); you lot are all PPCers; them lot over there are knobheads - that sort of thing. (And yes, I know "them lot" is horrible grammatically.) Both is good for you and one other, but how do you refer to three or four including yourself; how do you refer to a group of people distinct from a group you're talking about, that sort of thing.

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