Subject: Ernest Hemingway: he was a super freak
Posted on: 2009-05-27 00:24:00 UTC

So if anyone actually gives half a damn about my PPC work, you're probably going to have to wait a while for my third mission. While it's already been started, I just got back from the first session of my summer class on Hemingway, and by the look of things it's gonna put me through the wringer. I have to read all of A Moveable Feast (which is 200-odd pages), plus two online articles, and write a page-long paper, all by Thursday.

Regardless, I'd really like to hear what other people think about Hemingway. I think I'm gonna love this class, mostly because Hemingway is possibly a more interesting character than any he ever wrote himself. Just based off the synopsis of his life I got in my first class today, he was Hunter S. Thompson before Hunter S. Thompson had the chance to be (not joking; the parallels between them are almost alarming).

Anyone have any thoughts?

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