Subject: Well, I don't have a problem with script form.
Posted on: 2009-05-06 03:34:00 UTC

I can't speak for everyone, of course. But if it's a script, then script form is the way to go. One of my favourite Discworld fanfics was in script movie form. It's annoying when writers use script form incorrectly or in the wrong context though. A novel or a short story is very different from a play. It may be easier for you to write in script form, but it is difficult to read sometimes and you miss out on a lot of the description with script form. Personally I think prose is easier to read and write.

Also, if you don't care if your audience finds reading your story difficult, then you obviously don't care if they like your fic or not. Therefor, if someone complains about it, you shouldn't care about that.

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