Subject: It's that time again ... Pimp The Wiki!
Posted on: 2009-04-26 09:09:00 UTC

Hey guys, I've just been at the wiki and it's looking all sad and full of redlinks:

There's lots of things there that I *know* you people know stuff about, mostly fandom-related links.

If everyone goes and makes one page a day, even just a stub page with a few sentences on it, for a week, we'll have rubbed a huge chunk of this list out. Last time a call was made for people to get on top of the wanted pages, we got the list down from over 500 to just over 300. It's still around 300 - if we get the same kind of response, we could get it down to 100 wanted pages!

The wiki is more than just somewhere to archive links to your Agent's missions and interludes - it's the place our new people find out the answers to their pressing questions and we can cross-check and keep an eye on the ever-growing amount of tech, jargon and badfic that the PPC use, create and find/spork.

So this is me, getting out my cheerleading pompoms and saying GO TEAM! Let's clean up our Wiki!

- Trojie, apropos of nothing

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