Subject: a sure-fire one
Posted on: 2009-04-21 01:12:00 UTC

Or a sure-fire way to ease the symptoms at least.

Step one: the Hot Toddy. Get a mug, preferably not too big. Start with a triple whiskey. Throw in a teabag (normal black tea; none of this fancy herbal bollocks). Top up with boiling water, and add lemon juice and a big dollop of honey to taste. Stir well, and drink.

Step two (optional): a very large joint.

Step two works by making you so spaced out and sleepy you don't realise you're ill. Can be combined with a hot bath or snuggling under a duvet in front of a fire for optimum relaxing effect. Step one is similar, except it works by getting you drunk, and is not recommended in the bath. And if you don't want to get drunk, go with a single shot of whiskey, and it'll take the edge off the ache and soothe your throat.

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