Subject: You have free reign over your own agents
Posted on: 2009-04-17 10:01:00 UTC

If you wanted to write two pairs, you could. If you wanted to write some missions with another person, some solo, you could :) I started off by writing two solo missions, gained a writing partner for my next three, lost the writing partner, wrote another couple of solo missions (one of which I wrote solo but borrowed (with permission) another Boarder's agent as a partner for my primary agent), gained a new writing partner ... and between us now Pads and I write nine agents, one of whom was in fact invented by July, and do/have done/are doing a fair number of co-cowrites with other Boarders such as July, Sedri, Lee, Laburnum ...

Basically the whole name of the game is to a) have fun and b) mock badfic. If you end up creating a veritable army of characters to do so and rope in as many willing participants as you feel the need to to help you cowrite, that's okay, as long as it's fun and it's funny :)

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