Subject: Stuff and more stuff!
Posted on: 2009-04-01 18:51:00 UTC

Busy at school, but all work and no play makes Joe a sad puppy. Still going through trial-and-error processes with various characters and things, and today I have four things to show off: one old, and three new. I'd muchly appreciate any feedback you can offer on any of the lot, either here or in the Livejournal.

The old one is Agent Narcolepsy, who is here since I revised his first profile into the more commonly-used format, which gave me a chance to expand his backstory and flesh out his personality a bit. He'll be back shortly after this, too.

The first new face is Agent Silas, a member of the Race from Harry Turtledove's Worldwar, which you may recall me asking about a while back. I still don't have the books, but if today's trip to the U of M bookstore yields no fruit, I'm going to give in and order the things off Amazon. I'm not fond of Amazon, but we must make sacrifices for our cause. I don't intend to even touch Silas until I've read the books, mind, but I wanted to get the idea down before it fled.

Number three is Agent Comstock, who was born directly from my frustrations over my laptop biting it for the second time in less than a year. No guesses as to who he's partnering up with.

And the big one is a story! Just a short piece of work I wrote to test out Narcolepsy and see if he was viable. Plus, appearance by Techno-Dann!

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