Subject: ymmv, but we do it like this...
Posted on: 2009-04-01 00:16:00 UTC

Way back in the dawn of time, when Trojie and I first started writing together (not PPC missions), we used to email word documents to each other. It got confusing as all hell, and we'd occasionally mislay bits. Then gmail brought out googledocs, and there was much rejoicing.

We'll usually find a mission first (Ansela is very good for this, as she is braver than me when it comes to trawling the Uber Pit). I have a dekko, assess the horror, and then send a link to Trojie. If she agrees to it, we copy and paste the entire thing into a googledoc and have a read through.

Then we go and beat our heads against a wall for a while. If there are a lot of charges that one of us will miss, for example if the fic's in a continuum only one of us knows, we'll go through highlighting charges so nothing's missed. This usually isn't necessary though; we pick up the charges as we go along.

When we're feeling brave, one of us will tag the other, and we get stuck in. We have an IM window open as well as the document, for throwing ideas about and reminding one another of important charges and what have you. One will write as much as they can, and then tag the other. And on we go, taking turns, until it's finished. Then it's proofreading and to the beta(s).

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