Subject: Opinions
Posted on: 2009-03-29 19:38:00 UTC

Not bad, sounds like something out of Mercedes Lackey 100 Kingdoms verse (If you like this type of genre, I do suggest it. Even though it is true fairy tails that I think that you want to avoid. The other I would suggest are the Xanth books by Piers Anthoney.)

One comment that I would like to make. A king would never be in this type of situation unless he truely loved his wife, something that you don:t state in the opening. The Queen:s tantrums woudld not be tollerated after the first one. She would fall to disfavour in the eyes of the king and be sent to a nearby estate to have the child, or at least into a separate appartment of rooms across the castle so that the king would not have to listen to the `insane, and infernal` woman.

Why is the king able to travel without any special retinue or preparation into a village? This is not realistic in anysence. Even in an increadibly peaceful kingdom, the royalty are never without body guards and other hager-ons.

Editing: the end/or that you use in the second paragraph should just be `or`. `And` is redundant and adds confusion to this statement. There are some other editing problems, but that is the one the bugs me the most when I see it in a story. It is fine in notes and other personal documents, not for a narrative.

Should you continue? I say yes! But I do like fantasy. And the witch is sounding interesting, especially if you are going to have the story revolve around her.

But this is my opinion! Take and leave what you will. I do think that there is potential here.


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