Subject: Hmmm.
Posted on: 2009-03-22 02:43:00 UTC I have it so far, the Vindicator!Sam dies rather quickly.  Which is partly a function of the agent knowing how to use a crossbow (and hit a wide target at more-or-less point-blank range) but partly a function of the Sam not knowing how to play a paladin (so to speak). 

There's also the fact that they're disguised as blood elves (and thus temporarily have the arcane torrent ability).  But that is, as stated, temporary; it goes with the disguise.

Yeah, Dr. Manhattan would be likely to set her off.  (Especially since he's too cool for clothes, evar.)

And I made the icons at the Tektek Gaia Dream Avatar Simulator.  It has its limitations (the black agent's hair is supposed to be close-cropped, not braided; the white agent's hair is reddish-brown, not get the picture) but it's good enough.

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