Subject: sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this
Posted on: 2009-03-20 02:57:00 UTC

So all I will say on this one is that you don't need confirmation of legitimacy for each and every assassination method. You've got a method that suits canon, that your agents are capable of using (with a bit of luck and prayer, but then, we do have the power of narrative causality on our side), so just run with it.

Ah yes, disguises with powers. I tend to forget about those - we don't generally need disguises in the DBS, as there are rarely Sues, so I forget the disguise generator exists.

Funnily enough, despite not knowing the canon, I was thinking crossbows. You can't go wrong; they're Traditional. And if in doubt, you can always have the bolts be flaming.

Extrapolating from canon principles generally works, because of the Narrative Causality thing. Remember, the PPC is a world of stories, so if in doubt, refer to those narrative laws that we all learn as children. Eg "It's a million to one chance, but it just might work", or technobabble in the spirit of the continuum, or whatever sounds like it should work.

I'll smile and nod at the marker pen. I'm too drunk for such deep delvings into an unfamiliar canon.

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