Subject: The birthing of Sues.
Posted on: 2009-03-12 19:15:00 UTC

I am immensely disturbed.
After viewing a funny crack flash,I then scrolled down to view the comments, since, y'know sometimes there's a comedic gem in there, too.
What I found was actually far worse: A comment that took some jokey comments that preceded it, interpreted them as serious AND A GOOD IDEA, and then announced her intention to write a Sue-fic involving Altair of Assassin's Creed AND Uchiha Itachi of Naruto.

Steeling myself, I (or rather, a friend who I griped to) delved into her account.
We have a repeat offender, ladies and gents.
You can see the gallery here:
If anyone would care to spork any of these, and spork them HARD, then by all means, feel free.

The title is in reference to my hypothesis: Sues are born when people interpret crack as serious.

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