Subject: Not as bad as I was expecting, actually.
Posted on: 2009-03-11 20:24:00 UTC


I did catch a mini on pg. 63 (Toph Befong instead of Beifong) The clothing and some speech is anachronistic (anasocistic? Is that even a word?) and there's definitely some major problems with the characterization. I'm less worried about Toph since three years can change people, and I can see her growing up a bit (she was only 12-13 in the series and three years makes a HUGE difference at that age.) I have to say that I'm not particularly fond of the Agnst!Drama! tone that the main characters have, especially in contrast to the minor characters who all seem to have become happy-go-lucky.

The art doesn't really bother me. It's obvious that the author is at least trying - although the random photo-realism is a little disconcerting. No one said that copying and pasting was an absolute no-no for comics. (See: There might be some copyright issues with using actual images from the series sans disclaimer though.

Also: Aang's head bothers me.
There's a bunch of proportion/perspective issues, but they're not as bad as some I've seen (and drawn myself!) but Aang's head is... really bad.

As to PPC-ability, my vote is that it should be fine if you want to try and take it on. It's the Plot Continuum, not the Protectors of the Writing Continuum. Maybe there's a separate fan-comic division? Doushinji are typically well written, but I'm sure there's a few lemons out there that could use some PPCing.

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