Subject: So... Watchmen? (SPOILERS)
Posted on: 2009-03-07 07:54:00 UTC

My first impression: Whoever came up with that soundtrack should be fired. Out of a cannon. "Hallelujah" for the Archie R-rated sequence? Seriously?

Secondly, the people who designed and built Archie deserve a huge raise. Archie was just like he was in the book, but better.

I wasn't that impressed by the ending. The line "Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends." from Jon is what finally breaks Adrian in the comics, and I was disappointed that it wasn't used for the same effect.

Also, what happened to Hollis? We didn't see him get killed, we don't see him in the resolution, he's just a dangling end.

Final nitpick: What's with Nite Owl's "NOOOOOO!!!!1!!"? He randomly follows Rorschach, sees him killed, and then yells "NOOOOO!!!!"... and then stops, gets up, and walks inside. Anticlimactic, muchly?

Okay, one more. No squid-beast-thing. :(

Overall grade: A. Most of my complaints are with the cinematography rather than the book-to-movie conversion, so that's a point in its favor. The shooting seemed clunky at times, but the fight choreography was smooth and beautiful. The whole 300-esque messing-with-time bit in fights was done just right.

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