Subject: Some ideas...
Posted on: 2009-02-28 11:23:00 UTC

Portal-wise, the City of Heroes Universe has the Rikti, essentially evolved humans, who were able to make portals of essentially any size appear wherever they wanted, required a large power source, but hey, we have that in the Department of Dead Author Electricity Generation.
Superweapons, on the other hand, might be a little harder, especially on a scale that large. In your shoes, I'd probably actually delve into a Goodfic and see if they have something that might help you. Permission from the author, obviously.

Or, as an alternative, use something that both / all groups are completely unused to. In this case, magic. If you're after a group that would know what was going on (From the PPC point of view), I'd recommend the Crest Holders from 'Worlds Apart', by Articunomew. They're powerful enough to actually fight a fleet that big if need be, but would be able to send them back to their correct Universes if that's the choice you want as well.

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