Subject: Actually, loads of webcomic artists publish their work.
Posted on: 2009-02-24 11:19:00 UTC

Megatokyo does, Girl Genius does, Ctrl+Alt+Del does... And the books always sell pretty well. If you start a webcomic (which I plan to do one day soon too, actually) and then want to publish it later, it's fully possible. If you plan on publishing a totally different story than your webcomic, that's even simpler. As for using your real name, most webcomic artists do for ownership reasons. Like Adrian "Adis" Ramos, or Tim "Absath" Buckley. Of course, there are dangers to posting your real name online, but that's just something you have to decide on your own. If you end up publishing your work, people are going to know who you are and be able to connect your identities anyway. You could always create a pen-name for yourself and use that for your published work too (like you suggested). Heaven knows you wouldn't be the first writer to do that.

I can't think of any "repercussions" in that it might make it difficult to get something else published later on. Hell, it might even look good on your resume if it got popular.

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