Subject: Mission Plug (and in search of capable Britpicker~)
Posted on: 2009-02-18 09:03:00 UTC

First off, a mission! Final Fantasy X-2, and mischaracterization abounds~ Kat and Samuel took offense.

Second, I've recently been approached by a person in search of a beta for their Harry Potter story. It... er... well, see for yourselves. Here.

The nice thing is, this person wants to improve. They acknowledge they're not the best right now, and have advised me to be as brutal as necessary when whipping things into shape. (So please don't verbally eviscerate them? =P)

Only thing is, this person is American. And so am I. While this story takes place in England and Scotland. Even if there is an American student involved -- I'm still skeptical about this -- it should be correct. Britically. Or something like that. ^^; I volunteered to go fishing and see what I could find, and they asked if I would be so kind.

Any of you kind Boarders feel up to it?

My next resort is the Pit's beta feature. Could be iffy. ^^; But if no one's brave enough, I can go fish over there too.

Thanks for your patience, at the very least~

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