Subject: I've only gone to twice before in my lifetime.
Posted on: 2009-02-10 11:54:00 UTC

If I want to see my favourite characters have explicit sex (and I occasionally do), I have my better places to find it. Places with classier layouts and funnier jokes. Still, as far as I know, it's just with more smut, yeah? I haven't browsed it enough to have any idea what the general level of fic is. The only times I've been is when a specific fic has been recced to me.

I'm likely to treat the reviews with equal respect (translation: none) and either just read the fic myself to find out or not bother at all.

There are good fics on FF.Net, so I'm sure there's good fics on AFF.Net. However, the reviewers are much worse judges of good writing than the actual writers are in my experience so I don't bother taking them at face value.

(FYI, seems much more like smut for smuts sake than what I'm into (if Cassie gets back in time to read this she's gonna laugh her head off) so I don't go there very often.)

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