Subject: My New Project: in danger of Sue-ism?
Posted on: 2009-02-09 00:41:00 UTC

First off, I've gotten off on a new project: a fic series based on the first Michael Bay TRANSFORMERS Movie and only the first. Although based on the trailer for the second, I will introduce Ravage as a rebuilt composite of a half-dead Scorponok and the Mountain Dew Earthbot (who had been killed by Soundwave after begging for an end to the pain that had been inflicted upon him by the humans to turn him into a hound).


My main area of concern is my main female OC: Edith McPherson. She's from Louisville Kentucky, white lower middle class and had a professional-turn-romantic-turn-nookie relationship with Miles Lancaster (aka Best-human-friend of Ladiesman217) while an exchange studient in SoCal. In usual narrative fashion, no protection was used and thus was concieved Alvin. Personal choice and a somewhat conservative social environment resulted in a closed adoption, and in any other universe that would hae been the end of the story (aside from Miles developing a lovelorn alcohol problem and Edith going through any number of psychological dramas and traumas).

However, Starscream, upon return to the Crashed warship NEMESIS on the Martian surface (and with forced assitance from a Barricade fearing execution for desertion) discovers something about her (and her son) that would not only give him and the remaining Decepticons the ultimate bargaining chip... but would clear the path for the war to come to a successful end.

Because 10 years ago, on a sight-seeing trip to the Grand Canyon, a bored, 8-year-old Edith wandered off and discovered a dark, shiny cube with funny symbols roughly 1 inch square. gripping it in her right hand and wanting to take it back to show her parents, the cube nevertheless began crackling blue and practically dissolved into her hand.

She spent the rest of the day at the Visitor's medical center getting the burn treated, but when she arrived home strange things began happening whenever she touched electronic devices with exposed skin (main tv switching channels erratically, toaster running away). A fear of things electronic was formed, later abated in her teens by wearing gloves and long sleeves whenever using a computer or calculator. When Alvin was born, the cube manifested itself as a flexible, growinng crystaline lattice-work on the anterior surface of his spine.

So, when (perhaps intentionally) fragmented medical records documenting the death of the adoptive couple's first child reach the Decepticons, decisive action is taken. Edith is located, shown the findings and used as a caretaker for Alvin as Barricade travels to Autobot territory to invite Prime to Starscreams ultimate offer: not only a mere truce, but a repair of Cybertronian society into a factionless prewar Ideal, led by one Prime and one Lord High Protector (of course, Starscream nominates himself for the position).

Now, I'm not trying to Flanderize anyone. The remaining Decepticons go along with this, but that does not mean that they are suddenly "Nice", or immediately become heroic Autobots. There are malicious pranks, political wrangling and a lingering distaste for organics.

Likewise, I'm trying to keep Edith from becoming a Sue: Instead of reveling in her former powers, she was afraid of them. And she fears for Alvin not only dying, but also being raised without proper knowledge of what he can do or how to avoid large messes involving cars, soda machines and videogames.

There is also something else, far out in space, that is interested in the Allspark. And this thing will not be interested in human wellfare.

To review my work so far, theres my Livejournal or pages

So, does anything have to improve, or is there a movie litmus test or what?

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