Subject: Anyone else read Scott Lynch's "The Lies of Locke Lamora"?
Posted on: 2009-01-23 22:21:00 UTC

Because I just finished it today and DEAR GOD IT'S AWESOME. Naturally there's not much fic for it, as always with stuff I like, but maybe that's a good thing. Anyone want to chat about the book? Please warn for spoilers if you've read the second book "Red Seas Under Red Skies", though, because I haven't. Must buy it ASAP.

Anyone else have a habit of finding undeservedly obscure books? I seem to keep finding stuff nobody in the circles I run in online has heard of. First Spellsinger, then Simon R Green's work, now this. Maybe we could make a big list of books we think other people should read, and we can go pick stuff off the list if we're bored or our parents are nagging us about what we want for our birthdays ...

And we could totally do a PPC version of the Gentlemen Bastards' "liar" drinking routine.

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