Subject: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Posted on: 2009-01-10 01:09:00 UTC

In a badfic found on Quizilla, what do we do with the entities known as "the Quiztakers"? You know, you get stuff like...
"and then legolas wakled in he was crying and Sierrahressandranianala said 'whats' wrong?'
i luv legolas she cant have him!!! (well ok)
oh no whys he cryng (youll see)
*points sorwd at quizmakre* (oh no)" which those loving Legolas, questioning his lachrymose state, or pointing swords are the Quiztakers. (This is not a genuine badfic.)
What is the correct procedure for disposing of them? Should they be killed? If so, how? They don't actively participate in the story, so do they count as bits or Author-Wraiths or what? Are they merely a glorified AN? Help!

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