Subject: PPC Card Game -- New release, and request for the next.
Posted on: 2009-01-05 00:28:00 UTC

First up, then:

The PPC Card Game

The Third Generation features a rewritten set of rules (designed to increase the role of chance, and decrease the amount of duplicate material), as well as two new types of card, and a new playable fandom: the PPC. It also includes (or, er, will include, at this moment -- I'll sort and upload it once I've written this) a Theme Deck, centered around (what else?) Crashing Down. This allows you to play as the Agents, the Mary-Sue Factory or the Black Cats in your attempt to take over HQ. It's great fun. ;) Not that anyone's ever played it.

Now, the request. The Fourth Generation is going to be an expansion pack rather than a rewrite, which means I need material. And that means I need your help. There are five types of card you can suggest:

-Agent: Always the most popular type of card. If you want your Agent or Agents added to the game, you need to give me a few details: The Agent's name, Department, the Fandom they work in most (yes, only one) and their species are straightforward. The years of their recruitment to the PPC or transfer to this Department, and of their retirement/death/whatever if it's happened, are less simple, but still do-able. You also need to give them a Lust Object from the fandom named above (and, as mentioned further down, it'd be really nice if you could give me the Canon card for that LO). Again, only one. And you need to list their favourite weapon. I will try to fit this into a broad category, so if you say "orc bow with poison-tipped arrows", be aware that a) you just ripped off Acacia, and b) it'll just be a bow.

Now the complicated bits. First up, I need need need a picture of your Agent. This can be a photograph (always good), or a drawing or doll-maker image if you absolutely must. But I need a picture. If there's no picture, there's no card. Simple as that.

Secondly, your Agent needs to have a Special Ability. You can look at the cards from the last three generations to get an idea, but in general these should be a single sentence which allows the Agent to do something he or she couldn't by the rules of the game. Most Abilities are boosts to stats. If there's a problem with your stated Ability, I'll tweak it.

Thirdly and most confusingly, the stats. There are six of these:

-Attack: Determines how strong the Agent's attack is.
-Defence: The same, for defence.
-Speed: Usually assigned by species, thus: 1 = troll, elephant, other lumbering creature. 2 = normal human speed. 3 = elf or similar. 4 = something with hooves, paws, or any other fast four-legged type. 5 = winged speed. However, there may be slight shifts, depending on the Agent in question.
-Stealth: Helps to ambush their enemies.
-Insanity: Higher insanity means that a 'Sue who messes with their Lust Object will be easier to kill. Lower insanity means it'll be harder.
-Special: Used to see whether you can use the special ability.

Your Agent's stats must add up to fifteen. No more, no less. Each stat must be a value of five or less (no negative numbers, in case you were wondering). They can be zero, except for Insanity, which needs to be positive due to the rules. And, remember: the goal here is to represent your Agent accurately, not to make the must unstoppable card you can.

I really hope the rest of these are shorter.

-Enemies: New to the Third Generation are Enemies of the PPC. So far, these only include the Black Cats and the Mary-Sue Factory crew. If you can think of any more (including others from either of those -- or maybe the League of MS Factories? I don't have them), please contribute them. The details I'll need are much the same as for the Agent (including, again, a picture), with these exceptions:

-Instead of Department and Fandom, you need to say what Faction they're with -- Black Cats, Factory, or something I haven't got yet.
-You don't need to give any years, or a Lust Object.
-Two of the Stats are different, specifically:
--Stealth is replaced by Observation. This is used to counter Stealth.
--Insanity is replaced by Reinforce. The higher this stat is, the greater chance the Enemy has of calling another Enemy to its side to assist.

Once again, the stats must add up to fifteen, and none can be greater than five.

-Mary-Sues: The traditional enemy of the PPC, and thus far one of only two types of badfic represented. As with Enemies, these are similar to the Agent, with some exceptions:

-No Department, Fandom or years. Instead, I need the 'Sue's age, and whether it is male or female.
-No Lust Object.
-No weapon. Instead, she has an artefact, which has to be one of:
--Pendant (restores health)
--Tiara (helps against humans)
--Jewel (helps at certain locations)
--Dagger (helps against anyone using a sword)
--Crown (allows her to seduce both male and female Canons)
--Ring (helps at certain locations)
--Necklace (helps at certain locations)
-Two of the stats are different, specifically:
--Stealth is replaced by Observation. This is used to counter Stealth.
--Insanity is replaced by Allure. This allows the 'Sue to seduce Canon characters, which increases the strength of her special ability.

-Location, Canon, Monster: If you place an Agent in a Fandom, they can't be used unless there are Locations for them to visit, Canon characters to encounter, and Monsters to defeat. So it'd be nice if you could provide a few.

--Locations require a picture of the location, along with its name, fandom, and what sort of location it is. In an indoor fandom, this may be different to an outdoor; while the former might distinguish "room" from "chamber", the latter might just relegate the whole thing to "building", or even "city".
--Canon characters need their name, gender, fandom, and species. And a picture.
--Monsters need a name, fandom and species, along with (yes) a picture, a location they would be found in (which means it'd be nice if you gave me the location card, too), and three stats. In this case, the stats can each go up to six, and are independant -- no limit on the total. The stats are Attack, Defence and Health, each fairly obvious; the only 6-6-6 monster so far is the Balrog.

I should point out that the five fandoms already in use are: LotR, Harry Potter, "Anime", "Sci-Fi" (yes, I've clumped genres together there) and, now, the PPC itself. LotR is pretty much saturated for Monsters and Locations, but the others are fairly wide open.

I'm happy to take as many cards as you want to offer. Don't feel you can only post one Agent -- give me everything you've got. :P And then, someday, I'll find someone to play this with me...

hS, continuing his mission to waste a lot of time.

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