Subject: Recruitin' for da WAAAGH! (Which is to say, my AHAIRQL team)
Posted on: 2009-01-03 03:21:00 UTC

'Ello everyone! All having good new years so far, right? Anyway, if you've been paying attention to the wiki and to my writing in the recent interlude and Christmas party (I know all of three people ever read the stuff I write, but still ;)), you'll know I've started my own team for the AHAIRQL, with Trojie's permission. Anyway, I need at least four players, and I've already got Zodfang (team head) and one of my own agents (Troy) in to sorta help the team get off its feet, but I'm going to need players, and I know there's bound to be a few people interested in getting in the League. So, I figure we have a "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" deal going on here. If anyone's interested in getting on the team, post here with the Agent you want on the team (or both if that's how you swing :P) and I'll add you to the roster. I need at least two people, but can easily deal with more if that's the case, though apparently only four players can be in any one game. Hopefully we'll all have fun with this, heh. Only real thing left that needs to be addressed is one particular idea of mine, namely the fact that I plan on turning practices for the team into a sort of running joke, or at least Zodfang's attempts at a practice.

Now, obviously, for these scenes to work when I try to write them I require the permission of the people who control the agents on the team, though a lot of the time they'll only be mentioned, and probably their cooperation to make certain that the agent(s) in question are kept in character throughout. So, when applying to the team, please state whether you are alright with this or not. I am reasonable, and if for some reason you're not comfortable with it, I can work around it, but I do need to know these things in advance. Thanks for your time.

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