Subject: As in, not from the generator?
Posted on: 2009-01-02 03:52:00 UTC

Or items within the generator? 'S been a while since I fooled with Tektek, so I dunno for sure... hm. But I remember Gaia likes their knock-offs of popular culture~

I might try - it's a generator for the Human Avatars on Subeta.

I personally prefer that sort over the Gaia ones, and there's a bit more variety that I've observed. Depending on what sort of guns/armour you're looking for, the Invader set might work, or the Cyborg Soldier set.

Umm... yeah. ^^; There's another generator for the S-HAs that lets you do nifty things with the hair, though I don't particularly like how they coded it...

But anyway. ^_^ Hope I've managed to help a little. And there's always photoshop, etc, to change colors around.

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