Subject: It's not technically possible to steal an idea.
Posted on: 2008-12-29 10:32:00 UTC

Stealing means taking something so that someone else can't use it anymore. If you take an idea, even one that someone else had before, they can still use that idea. Therefore using someone else's idea is not stealing.

Then there is the issue of whether you should ask them whether they are okay with it that you use the idea they had first. That depends. It's not unheard of that two people independently come up with the same idea. I've had an idea in my head for a Torchwood fic for the past two years, and I'm surprised no one else has used that idea in a fic yet.

Ideas themselves are not copyrightable unless they are very, very specific. This means that it's also not really possible to claim ownership over ideas. Indeed, some authors do, but most of them barely know the basic rules of punctuation so I kind of doubt they know the little details of copyright and ownership laws.

So, technically, you do not have to ask permission to use ideas. Perhaps you feel you have to morally, but that's a different matter. The problem with that is, the author could deny you permission even though it is morally questionable that they do: they are using copyrighted work without permission themselves.

If the idea is specific (to the point where other readers are likely to point you out to an author that wrote this story first) you should give credit where you got the idea. But that does not require permission. If the badfic author think it does, just point out that they are being a hypocrite.

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