Subject: Merry Christmas, most likely slightly late.
Posted on: 2008-12-25 15:58:00 UTC

*hands everyone electrum-decorated, paired lightsporks* Don't ask how I got that much electrum. They can be joined to form a double-blade, or used separately. Each one contains a Kaiburr crystal (From KotOR-verse; if you're very lucky, you can get a decent amount of them randomly), a Topic Shard (from all of those topic breaks), and a Logic Fragment (Logic shatters under pressure from badfic). Yes, those last two seem to appear as shiny crystalline objects. The lightsporks could be any color, because having every one of them red from the Kaiburrs might not be such a good idea, and the other pseudo-crystals vary heavily in color. Enjoy the shiny objects!

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