Subject: Seriously, he has to make one of these every year.
Posted on: 2008-12-22 00:03:00 UTC

People become confused by his godlike attractiveness, and next thing you know they're sacrificing goats and singing hymns to his glory . . .

. . . what?

Well, maybe it is just me, then. :P

But yes. The Board has traditionally been a pure democracy (or possibly a flat-out anarchy. It's all in your perspective)--and while PGs can and should participate, and usually their opinions are well-informed, since they've been around so long, their opinions don't overrule other people's.

Also, Permission isn't actually a difficult hoop to jump through, or shouldn't be. PGs are mostly there to make sure that incoming authors 1) can spell (or spellcheck), and 2) don't write Sueish agents. Noble causes, I'm sure we all agree.

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