Subject: My two cents
Posted on: 2008-12-13 23:18:00 UTC

It's been a while since I read those books, and I know I missed at least one later in the series, so this is not a fully-informed opinion.

My impression was that it takes three things to be a spellsinger - musical talent, a magical instrument, and what I'm going to call a magic-resonance; I seem to recall other, non-singing spellcasters. (To be a good spellsinger, of course, you need improvisational talent and/or a good supply of songs.)

So it seems to me that the agent in question would need to not only have musical talent, but also some magical ability, plus get ahold of one of the incredibly rare instruments that can handle magimusic.

As far as permanence, remember that in one of the books Jon-Tom's duar got broken, so he couldn't sing up anything until he got a replacement (and then a repair). Since it would be Severely Frowned Upon to take such a rare thing out of the source canon, and the Flowers aren't likely to supply Agents with magical instruments, it'd be pretty moot.

As far as Suvianity, let us again consider the source material. Due to being a fairly ordinary rock-interested college student, once he gets his duar he is able to get pretty close to the result he wants every time. Sure, it's never exactly right, and there are some side effects ("first mate, he got drunk", for instance), but it seems excessive to me.

-Kd7sov, who is by no means an authority person, and who rambles too much.

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